Jason Teisinger is a GIS Project Manager with the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida. He has dual Bachelor of Agriculture degrees in Microbiology/ Botany and a minor in Chemistry from the University of Florida, and a Master of Arts degree in Urban and Regional Planning with a GIS specialization from the University of Florida. His primary research focus is in developing small area GIS-based population projection models. He also has expertise in enterprise GIS implementations, database design, web mapping solutions, environmental modeling and asset management solutions.

Jason has 22 years of professional experience with GIS. During his graduate studies, he explored methods using statewide property parcel data, future and existing land use GIS layers and the Bureau’s countywide population projections to develop small area population projections down to the parcel level with a masters project culminating in finishing a GIS based, statewide, small area population projection. After finishing his graduate studies, while working at the University of Florida’s GeoPlan Center, Jason went on to work in the private sector on a myriad of projects ranging from implementing the small area population projection methodology for various private and public entities, managing embedded GIS analysts for various government entities to implementing asset management solutions for a range of local and county governments.

Jason has worked with a wide range of entities including the Southwest Florida Water Management District, St. Johns River Water Management District, Suwannee River Water Management District, Sumter County Florida, the City of St. Augustine, Virginia State Supervisor of Elections, Planned Parenthood of Alachua County, The Nature Conservancy, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Office of Greenways and Trails, the City of Tallahassee and Eglin Airforce Base, among many others.

Jason K. Teisinger

GIS Project Manager


Contact Jason K. Teisinger

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