Population FAQ

The Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) began making population estimates for Florida and its counties in the 1950s, formally establishing the Population Program in 1972 when BEBR received the first of a continuous series of annual contracts from the State of Florida to produce the state’s official city and county population estimates.

The Population Program continues to produce Florida’s official city, county, and state population estimates each year. These estimates are used for state revenue-sharing and many other planning, budgeting, and analytical purposes. The program also produces estimates of households and average household size and projections by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin for the state and each county.

Members of the Population Program work on a variety of demographic research projects and publish the results in books, monographs, scholarly journals, and technical reports. They also make presentations on Florida’s demographic trends to business, government, and civic groups throughout the state and respond to many telephone requests for demographic data and analysis.

BEBR is Florida’s representative to the Federal-State Cooperative Programs for Population Estimates and Projections, and works closely with the U.S. Census Bureau to improve the quality of demographic data in Florida. Over the years, staff members have served on the Federal-State Cooperative Programs for Population Estimates and Projections, the U.S. Census Bureau Advisory Committee, the National Research Council’s Panel to Evaluate Alternative Census Methodologies, the Board of Directors of the Southern Demographic Association, and the Population Association of America’s Committee on Applied Demography.

What are the release dates for the BEBR estimates and projections?

The anticipated release dates for the BEBR estimates and projections in 2025 are as follows:

  • Florida Population Projections by County: April
  • Florida Estimates of PopulationDecember 31 (Publication and additional tables)
  • Florida Number of Households and Average Household SizeDecember 31
  • Florida Population Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin: TBD

Where can I find current population estimates for Florida’s cities, counties, and unincorporated areas?

Contracted by the Florida Legislature, BEBR annually publishes the state’s official population estimates for the state, counties, municipalities, and unincorporated areas of Florida in Florida Estimates of Population [pdf | xlsx], a 56-page booklet of Florida population tables, figures, and methodology.

Do you have comparative census population figures?

Florida Estimates of Population [pdf | xlsx] provides comparative census data from Census 2020 plus select earlier census years. A more comprehensive presentation of decennial census data for Florida can be found in our publication Florida Population: Census Summary 2020 [pdf | xlsx].

Do you have Florida household data?

BEBR publishes state- and county-level household estimates in Florida Population Studies: Number of Households and Average Household Size in Florida [pdf | xlsx]. This bulletin features a methodology and trend discussion along with a tabular presentation of the number of households and average household size for the current year. Comparative census data from the 2020 and 2010 censuses conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau are also provided.

Do you have population projections?

Yes, we annually publish low, medium, and high state- and county-level projections of total population based on the latest population estimates in five-year increments to the year 2050 as part of our Florida Population Studies series. The most recent projections of total population and our methodology can be found Projections of Florida Population by County, 2025–2050, with Estimates for 2023 [pdf xlsx].

Where can I find population estimates and projections broken down by various demographic characteristics?

State and county population estimates and projections by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin are published in five-year increments to the year 2050 in Florida Population Studies: Population Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for Florida and Its Counties [pdf xlsx]. Age groups include: 0–4, 5–17, 18–24, 25–54, 55–64, 65–79, and 80+. Racial/ethnic categories include: All races, non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic. The methodology is included in the PDF publication.

Where can I find more age and race detail?

Detailed state and county population estimates and projections for five-year age groups for seven racial/ethnic categories are published in five-year increments to the year 2050 as a supplement to Florida Population Studies: Population Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for Florida and Its Counties [detailed xlsx]. Age groups include: 0–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19, 15–17, 18–19, 20–24, 25–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, 75–79, 80–84, and 85 and over. Racial/ethnic categories include: All races, non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, Hispanic, white, black, and non-white.

Does BEBR produce population estimates and projections for other geographic areas?

In addition to the annually published data products from the BEBR Population Program, we can also provide customized population estimates and projections for other geographic areas such as utility areas, traffic analysis zones (TAZs), zip codes, or custom boundaries; please contact us for pricing information. See the Population Services page for more details.

What is the Florida Population Studies series?

The Florida Population Studies series is comprised of three annual bulletins: Number of Households and Average Household Size in Florida; Projections of Florida Population by County; and Population Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for Florida and Its Counties.

What other services does the BEBR Population Program provide?

We provide customized demographic analyses and geographic information system (GIS) consulting services; please contact us for pricing information. See the Population Services page for more details.

Is there a charge for the BEBR population and household estimates, and the BEBR population projections?
The BEBR population and household estimates published in Florida Estimates of Population and Florida Population Studies: Number of Households and Average Household Size in Florida, and the BEBR population projections published in Florida Population Studies: Projections of Florida Population by County and Florida Population Studies: Population Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for Florida and Its Counties are available for download free of charge. Customized population estimates and projections for other geographic areas such as cities or zip codes can also be provided; please contact us for pricing information. See the Population Services page for more details.