Rich Doty is the GIS Coordinator and Research Demographer with the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Florida. He has degrees in economics and urban and regional planning with a specialization in geographic information systems (GIS), both from the University of Florida. He has 30 years of experience with developing GIS-based models and analytical tools for estimating and forecasting population, water use and environmental impacts. He is a recognized expert in the fields of population and water demand forecasting and GIS.

Mr. Doty also develops the official population estimates for the State of Florida, its 67 counties and 411 cities, towns and villages each year. He is the Florida representative to the Census Bureau’s Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates and a reviewer for the 2020 Census. He authors many technical reports and journal articles, and he gives frequent presentations at conferences and to groups throughout Florida.

Richard L. Doty

GIS Coordinator &
Research Demographer


Contact Richard L. Doty

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