Research Productivity of the University of Florida Clinical and Translational Science Institute
The University of Florida Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), founded in 2008, is the academic hub for clinical and translational science connecting resources, people and ideas throughout the University, the State of Florida, and the national Clinical and Translational Science Award consortium.
Volusia County Public Investment Study
Over the years, state and local governments have used financial investments to attract out of state businesses or to retain and expand existing businesses located within their area. Proponents argue the investments are necessary for this economic development, while critics see these investments as a form of corporate welfare.
Florida Assisted Living Facilities Cost of Providing Care
As the elderly population in Florida has increased, long‐term care needs have also expanded, and more Floridians are receiving assistance at home, in assisted living facilities (ALFs), or in nursing homes. However, as the population receiving these services increased, the cost and challenges faced by the providers have increased as well.
Research Productivity and Economic Impacts of the University of Florida Clinical and Translational Science Institute – 2018
The University of Florida Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UF CTSI) founded in 2008 is the academic hub for clinical and translational science throughout the University and the State of Florida. The mission of the UF CTSI is to improve human health by strengthening the university’s ability to conduct clinical and translational research.
An Update to the Net Impact of Retirees on Florida’s State and Local Budgets
While retirees in Florida contribute around 2 percent, about $184, less per person to state and local government revenues compared to other adults, government expenses are 35.1 percent lower, about $3,985 less per person. These result in a positive net fiscal impact of $2,899 per retiree on Florida’s budget.
Understanding Racial Inequity in Alachua County
Racial inequity is a long-standing issue in many communities across the United States, affecting the opportunities of minority individuals and families. In March 2016, the United Church of Gainesville and the Alachua County branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) sponsored a weekend-long seminar to focus community efforts on inequities in the Alachua County area.
The Economic Contribution of Cox Communications in Florida
In Florida, Cox Communications provides information services in two different regions, Central Florida and Gulf Coast. In the process of providing its service, Cox contributes to both regional economies through the creation of direct and indirect jobs and earnings, and through the purchases generated by its business activity.
Polk County Healthcare Study: An Economic Analysis of Polk County’s Indigent Health Care Tax and Safety Net Program
For the past 11 years, a one-half cent sales surtax approved by voters in Polk County in 2004 has provided funding for medical and dental services to hundreds of thousands of Polk’s most vulnerable people. The University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) conducted a study to determine the economic impact associated with the Indigent Health Care program.