Test Page 3

Test Page 3

BEBR Director, Dr. Christopher McCarty, in collaboration with FSU, obtained a grant from the National Science Foundation to establish a Federal Statistical Research Data Center at the University of Florida (Florida Research Data Center). Only 32 of these data centers exist across the country with the Florida Research Data Center being the only one in Florida. In this center, authorized researchers with approved projects use federal microdata to advance science in ways impossible without the use of this data.

Test Page 2

Test Page 2

BEBR produces Florida’s official state and local population estimates and projections. These estimates and projections are used for distributing state revenue-sharing dollars to cities and counties in Florida and for budgeting, planning and policy analysis by state and local government agencies, businesses, researchers, the media, and members of the general public.

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BEBR was founded in 1930 and is part of the UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
BEBR published the Florida Statistical Abstract each year from 1967 to 2011. This award-winning research volume of statistical data about Florida is the leading source of data on Florida and its cities and counties, providing information on population, housing, employment, income, education, health, tourism, elections, and much more.
BEBR continues to offer the same kind of data services today!